What are the Upcoming MCU movies?

Avengers: Endgame can be said as an end of an era. People are awestruck with what happened to original avengers in Endgame, and confused what would be the future of the MCU.

Disney recently released movie dates and few movie names along for next 7 years which includes the answer for the big question "What are the Upcoming MCU movies ?"

Disney announced 8 marvel movies which are untitled as of now. Two in 2020, 3 each in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Here are the dates


  • May 1st, 2020
  • November 6th, 2020


  • February 12th, 2021
  • May 7th, 2021
  • November 5th, 2021


  • February 18th, 2022
  • May 6th, 2022
  • July 29th, 2022

So what movies are going to be released on these dates will be announced soon by Marvel producer Kevin soon, but till then here's our wild guess to keep you happy.

Black Widow solo already rumoured to be released in 2020 so, May 1st 2020 Black widow.
The eternals making quite a sound now, rumours are Angelina Jolie going to play Sersi character and our very own King in the north, GoT star Richard Madden going to play Ikaris who is the leader of The Eternals. So lets reserve November 6th, 2020 for The Eternals entry.

James Gunn announced via Instagram he will begin the shoot of Gotg vol.3 in 2020. So lets hope the movie comes in 2021.If the CGI work takes long, may be we can expect Gotg vol3 on November 5th, 2021. And other 2 dates May 7th 2021, February 12th, 2021 would be Dr.strange 2 and Captain Marvel 2 respectively.

Coming to 2022, Feb 18th 2022 might have a chance for Black Panther 2, May 6th, 2022 would be the long rumoured movie Shang-Chi.
The final date July 29th, 2022 might be Spiderman 3.

Comment down what else should have been in the list and which movies  you are expecting in Phase-4.

Hope you like this article. If you like it please do share with your friends.

Peace ✌🏻


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